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Friday, December 25, 2009

Blizzard warning once more in Northern USA after Getting to Oklahoma and Tornado watches

Akshay Deoras,LEAD Weather investigator

Yesterday there was a severe weather outbreak in USA as whole.
First there were record breaking tornadoes in southern side in
Lousiana. A total of 25 tornadoes happened in 2 days and they were
quite destructive.
At present 300mb forecast shows intense jets of 100 knots which will
progress as the day progresses to the south. This system will settle
over Dakotas and will bring heavy snow, Also Heavy winds 35-45mph and
low visibility will add to blizzard conditions and NWS has already

snow depth model which has been newly introduced on twisterdata.com (c) TVN
shows that within 24 hours more than 24" of snow is likely to be
accumulated in parts of WIsconsin and will be 8-15" in south dakota.

BLizzard warnings have been issued for North-south
Dakota,Nebraska,North-east Kansas.

At the same time, NWS has issued tornado watches for Florida,South
Tornado watches are no. 810,811.
Tornadoes will happen very soon probably in next 5 hours at the warned areas.
For Blizzard in Oklahoma,
The blizzard produced impressive snow totals of 4 to 10 inches from
Amarillo to Wichita Falls to northwest Dallas to 12 to 15 inches
across southwest to central Oklahoma.
These snow totals smashed existing records for northwest Texas to
Oklahoma City with a white Christmas now guaranteed.
The heavy snow will be accompanied by winds gusting in excess of 50
miles per hour creating whiteout conditions throughout the Central and
Northern Plains through the day today.
Freezing rain will result starting this morning in western North
Carolina and southwest Virginia expanding northward into the interior
portions of the Northeast today.
As the day moves forward, rain will invade the eastern portions of the
Mid-Atlantic reaching Southeast New York by this afternoon.
The rain is expected to come down moderately to heavy at times
combining with melting snow to produce localized flooding problems
from Washington D.C. to New York city tonight into Saturday.
Saturday, the change from wintry mix to freezing rain to rain will
continue northward across the remainder of Upstate New York and New

Latest report from Silver spring is showing 0 deg celcius and freezing
rains are due there from 10 am EST also there w'd be winds upto 35mph
Keep tracking METD for details


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