Akshay Deoras
Severe Weather Forecaster
After a month from the Inauguration of DWR in Nagpur in Feb, The Indian Meteorological Dept finally issued the Doppler Radar products ONLINE from today
A display from 9 Radar Stations across the nation stretching from
The Radar products are available here
From today, Products for Mumbai and Nagpur were made online
For Nagpur,
During non activity period ( For Calm weather), The Radar products shall be updated on a 3hrly basis and during Thunderstorms and rains on half hourly basis.
Foll are the included products
1] Maximum Reflectivity ( Z)
2] Plan Position Indicator
3] Volume Velocity Processing
4] Plan Position Indicator
5] Surface Rainfall Intensity
6] Precipitation Accumulation
1] The Maximum Reflectivity product determines the strength of reflection from the clouds
This is an indicator for strength of Thunderstorms .
This also shall provide datas from a vertical profile from the RADAR surface upto 15km.
How it helps?
The Maximum reflectivity is a classical product to determine the areas in thunderstorms which have potentials for producing Severe weather
It also determines the location where hails are forming and also about the precipitation outlooks
- magenta: 65 dBZ (extremely heavy precipitation, possible hail)
- red: 52 dBZ
- yellow: 36 dBZ
- green: 20 dBZ (light precipitation)
2] Plan Position Indicator is a large scale map showing a field view of radius 500km
At Nagpur as a center
North extent- Sagar,MP
SE of Kota,Rajasthan
Eastern Extent- East of Bilaspur
Southern Extent- Somewhere around Hanamkonda,AP
Western Extent - West of Jalgaon
3] Volume Velocity processing
A very important component of the Radar product.
This plot shows the wind direction and magnitude upto 8kms from the surface
It has a maximum capacity to detect winds upto 30km!
This helps to determine real time winds which helps to forecast cloud movements,winds etc.
The Surface Rainfall Intensity and Precipitation accumulation refers to amount of rainfall forecasted and recorded.
Thus, this NEW RADAR shall help a lot for forecasting ( Accurate) upto 500km from Nagpur.
Its a new dimension to Weather forecasts
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