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METD WEATHER NeXT Gen is the Next Generation Version of our blog launched in June 2009.
This new version shall provide multiple facilities shortly and one of the facility has been launched which is the Current Temp of cities in India
Q. What is Current Temp of Cities in India product
Current temperature of cities in India is automatically updating page attached with our main page @ providing datas from 25 cities in India
Q. Which datas are available
Datas from Regional Meteorological Dept. Observatories and Private Weather Station ( Rajkot) are enhanced by private organization of Wunderground.
These datas include-
*Temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit
* Sky conditions
* Humidity
*Visibility ( In miles and Kilometers)
* Wind speed and direction
* Time of update
* Wunderground forecast for cities by clicking the links
Q. Which cities are included in the list
Cities are alphabetically arranged and include the following in following fashion
( Below is a screenshot and hence shall not be updated regularly)
1] Ahmedabad

2] Allahabad

3] Amritsar
( To be issued shortly)
4] Aurangabad

5] Bangalore

6] Bhopal

7] Chennai

8] Cochin

9] Panaji

10] Hyderabad

11] Indore

12] Jaipur

12] Jammu

13] Kanniyakumari and Thiruvananthapuram

14] Kolkata
15] Lucknow

16] Mangalore

17] Mumbai

18] Nagpur ( On front page of the blog)
19] Nashik

20] New Delhi ( City)

21] Patna

22] Pbo Raipur

23] Rajkot ( Ring Road Weather station of Ashokbhai Patel) PWS

24] Srinagar

25] Varanasi

2] Allahabad
3] Amritsar
( To be issued shortly)
4] Aurangabad
5] Bangalore
6] Bhopal
7] Chennai
8] Cochin
9] Panaji
10] Hyderabad
11] Indore
12] Jaipur
12] Jammu
13] Kanniyakumari and Thiruvananthapuram
14] Kolkata
15] Lucknow
16] Mangalore
17] Mumbai
18] Nagpur ( On front page of the blog)
19] Nashik
20] New Delhi ( City)
21] Patna
22] Pbo Raipur
23] Rajkot ( Ring Road Weather station of Ashokbhai Patel) PWS
24] Srinagar
25] Varanasi
Q. Where to find these Updated list
You just need to visit
Then at the top click "Current Temperature of Cities in India tab"
Click this link directly
Q. How latest are the products
The products are within 1-3hr update basis
Q. What are our plans for this page
We look forward to increase the list by including more cities from foreign countries also..
Q. What more products will be available under the NeXT Gen version
WE look forward to add Doppler Radar products from the new DWR( Doppler Weather Radar) which shall be functional by this month end.
We also look forward to create new ways to help improve forecasting techniques and quick forecasts also.
Akshay Deoras
Administrator and Severe Weather Forecaster
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